LWVUS 2024 Convention Report
Doris Feys, President
I attended the LWVUS Convention virtually from June 28 to June 30,2024. I joined over 1,200 League members, board members, and staff from all 50 states, DC, and the Virgin Islands.
The first workshop I attended was on the subject of book bans, presented by LWV Grosse Pointe members Lynn Pierce and Sue Acton. LWVMI has adopted a position supporting public libraries and the right of people to choose what they read without the fear of censorship or book bans. Most challenges against libraries come from organized groups. Florida alone saw 2700 book bans in 2023.
Books, minds, and umbrellas only work when they’re open (seen on a sign protesting book bans).
I also attended workshops on engaging with young people. Some ideas include engaging with young voters online, bringing programs to elementary and middle schools, and hiring young interns or youth fellows. We were also encouraged to participate in National Voter Registration Day in September (which we do!)
I learned during bylaw discussion that local leagues can still decide to make student dues free or optional.
LWVUS agreed to focus on Making Democracy Work (securing voting rights and working against voter suppression). The LWVUS also agreed upon the need for a streamlined national study on the federal judiciary. The delegates also adopted a concurrence position with LWV Washington’s position on the Decline of Local News and its Impact on Democracy.
The following resolutions were adopted to express the will of the League:
- Supporting Statehood for Washington D.C.
- Supporting Reproductive Rights
- Supporting a Strong Code of Ethics in Government
- Supporting Local Libraries
- Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
- Supporting Immigration Reform
Delegates also voted in a new slate of officers. For more information, go to LWV website https://www.lwv.org/
Poll Challengers and Poll Watchers
Promote the Vote and coalition partners are recruiting Nonpartisan Election Protection Challengers and Poll Watchers, for early voting sites in several communities. Use this link to learn the difference between Election Challengers and Poll Watchers.
Those who serve will be required to attend a virtual training session. If you are interested in serving in one of these positions, please contact Judy Florian, who will refer your name to the appropriate organization.
President by National Popular Vote
Support Electing The President By National Popular Vote. Please take action now to contact your Michigan Legislators to show your support for electing the President by National Popular Vote. Click on this link, or paste into your browser: https://tinyurl.com/heccewyr
Observer Corp
What is the role of an Observer? The Observer is intentionally quiet, and only observes. Members of LWV-NEMI will attend various community board meetings. A summary report is sent to Kathy (Secretary).
If you are able to be an Observer at local board meetings, call Doris (989)255-5534